(Our evening gatherings will be in danish. Translation into english will be available)
Tell us something about you?
Father, farmer's son, and hopelessly curious about most things. I am deeply moved by God's intervention in my life – and I desire that my life reflects the love that I have encountered from God. In my daily life, I am a KFS-staffworker responsible for the Aarhus area.
What excites you about the tale of Josef?
That God isn't afraid to use imperfect people as part of his work. Joseph's family is extremely dysfunctional, yet God has a heart for them, saves them, and uses them. It's quite remarkable.
Tell us something about you?
After my time as a staff worker in KFS, I have been a priest for countless years, and still am. My free time is spent on roller skiing, painting pictures, reading, writing, films, films, films, and my sweetest and wisest wife. Plus much more...
What excites you about the tale of Josef?
The tale of Josef is one of the strongest stories in the Old Testament. Superb as a narrative and with themes that points directly to the culmination of Gods salvation story with Jesus – and right into our own human and spiritual lives. Themes like the curse of comparison, self-worship, defeat, self-sacrifice, repentance, forgiveness, reconciliation, and much more.
Tell us something about you?
I have been part of KFS for over half of my life – which, I think myself, is quite an achievement. I work as a Network Consultant at Bibelselskabet and am enthusiastic about God's large global church. When I'm not working, I knit and read on a small island.
What excites you about the tale of Josef?
I like the story of Joseph because it's very genuine. It's not a glossy portrayal of an idol, but a tale of a real person trying to live a life with God in incredibly changing circumstances.
Tell us something about you?
You should know that Brøndby is the pride of Denmark, that Michael Scott from The Office has taught me a lot about leadership, that I am a pseudo-Norwegian, and that I am the General Secretary of KFS.
What excites you about the tale of Josef?
The story of Joseph is a gripping family and character drama that could fill long novels, but above all, it is a string of small hints that point towards Jesus. I look forward to becoming wiser about this together with you!
Tell us something about you?
I study a Master's in Theology at Aarhus University and work at Aarhus Valgmenighed as a pastoral intern, where I lead the church's youth area and preach for services approximately once a month. I am married to Hannah and release music with the band 'alt det der drukner'.
What excites you about the tale of Jose
The story of Joseph came early onto my radar with the DreamWorks movie "Joseph - King of Dreams". Maybe it was Joseph being the youngest in a group of 11 (yes, and then Benjamin came later), which resonated with me as the youngest in a group of 5.
Fortunately, my older siblings were much kinder to me, and I wasn't favored by my father as Joseph was. Nonetheless, there were some themes of loneliness, courage, success, forgiveness, and reconciliation that captivated me in the story, and that I look forward to delving deeper into with you at Easter camp.
Tell us something about you?
Hi! My name is Jim and I work for UCCF – the UK version of KFS. I lead the team that works in the Midlands region of the UK and spend my time encouraging Christian students to share Jesus with those around them. I am passionate about helping people see how big, how beautiful and how brilliant the God of the Bible really is. I can often be found quoting Taylor Swift, discussing theology or drinking tea – and preferably all three at once.
What excites you about the story of Joseph?
I’m excited by how the story of Jospeh shows us that God is at work in all of our lives – in the good times and in the bad times. And how God is shaping us to be people who trust him, rely on his Word and play our part in seeing his mission for the world move forward.
Bibel Lessons for higher education and gap-year students is in english.